- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (minor in Computer Science), Stanford University, 2021. Advisor: Prof. Eric Darve
- M.S. in Elecrical Engineering, Stanford University, 2018
- B.S. in Physics (honors), Nanjing University, 2016
Mentored Interns/Students
- Zineng Tang, 2022.6-2022.11. Model ranks 1st place on Document Understand Benchmark.
Work experience
- 2023.8 - Now: Principal Researcher
- 2021.7 - 2023.8: Senior Researcher
- Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Research
- 2020.6 - 2020.12: Research Intern
- Google AI, mentored by Yinfei Yang and Daniel Cer.
- Two first-author papers accepted to EMNLP 2021.
- 2019.6 - 2019.9: Research Intern
- Microsoft Speech and Dialogue Research Group, mentored by Chenguang Zhu.
- One first-author paper accepted to EMNLP 2020; One second-author paper accepted to SIGIR 2021.
- 2018.6 - 2018.9: Research Intern
- Microsoft Business Applications Group AI Research, mentored by Chenguang Zhu.
- One first-author paper accepted to EMNLP 2019, oral presentation.
Service and leadership
Reviewed for ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TMAPI), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (NNLS)